Sunday, May 19, 2024


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‘You Were Never Really Here’ dir. Flor Portieri

"You Were Never Really Here" by director Flor Portieri is a compelling exploration of personal trauma and the universal struggle for self-forgiveness. Florencia Portieri's directorial debut succeeds in delivering a thought-provoking and visually striking short film.

Film Review: ‘You Were Never Really Here’ directed by Flor Portieri
Rating: ★★★★☆

Flor Portieri’s directorial debut, “You Were Never Really Here,” emerges as a profound exploration of personal trauma, self-acceptance, and the empowering journey towards reclaiming one’s voice. The film made its debut at the Documentary Shorts section of the 30th Slamdance Film Festival.

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The film opens with a moment of vulnerability as the protagonist declares, “I’m going to tell you a story.” In this pivotal instant, her voice reverberates with a subtle tremor, encapsulating the fear that she might not be validated for the traumatic experience she is about to share. The choice of reverb enhances the emotional weight, capturing the fragility of the moment. Yet, she asserts with determination, “I do not need that from you.” This firm declaration becomes a poignant turning point, signifying a courageous journey towards self-acceptance and strength.

As the narrative unfolds over this nine-minute short film, Portieri depicts the protagonist’s emotional evolution. Initially, her voice may waver, reflecting the internal tremor that comes with mustering the courage to speak about the assault. However, as the film progresses, her voice transforms, gaining strength and confidence. This subtle yet powerful shift mirrors the protagonist’s own journey—from vulnerability to resilience, from fear to empowerment.

A notable strength lies in the film’s visual language, where Portieri employs a carefully crafted blend of color and black-and-white to convey the stark contrast between past and present. The bilingual narration (English and Spanish) becomes a deliberate device, facilitating communication and preventing potential misinterpretation, adding a layer of depth to the storytelling.

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Sensitive scenes, such as the visual portrayal of a sexual assault on a bed without the presence of the assailant, showcase Portieri’s ability to create impactful visuals. The deliberate erasure of the antagonist becomes an artistic choice, focusing the narrative solely on the aftermath and the protagonist’s journey towards self-acceptance.

In conclusion, “You Were Never Really Here” is a compelling exploration of personal trauma and the universal struggle for self-forgiveness. Florencia Portieri’s directorial debut succeeds in delivering a thought-provoking and visually striking short film.

Navid Nikkhah Azad
Navid Nikkhah Azad
Navid Nikkhah Azad is an Iranian film director, critic, and journalist. He serves as the critic and editor-in-chief at ZIZ and is a member of the Dutch Association of Journalists (NVJ) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ).