Sunday, May 19, 2024


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Dada’s ‘Joie de vivre’: A Captivating Dive into Human Psyche

Film Review: ‘Joie de vivre’ directed by Dada
Rating: ★★★★★

“Joie de vivre,” a short film directed by Dada, made its international debut at the prestigious PÖFF SHORTS competition within the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival. This captivating narrative delves into the complexities of human relationships and existential introspection, earning a deserving 5 out of 5 rating.

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Set against the backdrop of a Montreal apartment on a luminous winter morning, the film revolves around Trevor and Elsa as they share breakfast, interrupted by Trevor’s seemingly innocuous question, “You good?” This seemingly simple query disrupts the equilibrium of their relationship, setting the stage for a profound exploration of life’s fundamental questions.

The film’s protagonist embarks on a philosophical journey, spurred by their partner’s query, questioning the very fabric of existence. Drawing inspiration from Absurdist philosophy, the narrative challenges conventional norms and contemplates the essence of meaningful connections in an enigmatic world. Through poignant narration, the film embraces an existential lens, raising profound philosophical inquiries that linger long after the credits roll.

“Joie de vivre” employs striking allegorical imagery, likening the female character to an iceberg fragmenting into the sea, symbolizing a gradual dissolution of barriers, prompting a profound self-inquiry akin to the awakening from intoxication to sobriety.

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Visually, the film astutely crafts spatial compositions, utilizing cinematography to paint a vivid portrait of the protagonist’s inner turmoil. Whether through the movement of a train symbolizing mental disarray or the juxtaposition of fragmented ice pieces on water mirroring the fractured state of mind, the visuals serve as a testament to the cinematographer’s artistry.

At its core, the film encapsulates unresolved childhood trauma and the enduring negative influence of the protagonist’s mother on their life. The quest for an idealized maternal figure, enabling personal growth, echoes a poignant narrative thread. The protagonist’s struggle with adulthood, reminiscent of a lost child in a bustling place, signifies an introspective journey into self-discovery and desires.

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The eloquently written narrations underscore the film’s powerful screenplay, complemented by adept direction that navigates complex emotional landscapes with finesse.

“Joie de vivre” stands as a cinematic gem, seamlessly blending profound philosophical exploration with emotionally resonant storytelling. It offers audiences a thought-provoking experience, delving into the intricacies of human emotions and existential inquiries, leaving a lasting impression far beyond its runtime.

Navid Nikkhah Azad
Navid Nikkhah Azad
Navid Nikkhah Azad is an Iranian film director, critic, and journalist. He serves as the critic and editor-in-chief at ZIZ and is a member of the Dutch Association of Journalists (NVJ) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ).