Monday, May 20, 2024


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Andrew Fitzgerald’s ‘The Family Circus’ delivers a riveting narrative of deception and emotion

Film Review: ‘The Family Circus’ directed by Andrew Fitzgerald
Rating: ★★★★☆

“The Family Circus,” a remarkable dark comedy short film directed by Andrew Fitzgerald, delivers a riveting narrative that delves into the intricate layers of a Vietnamese-American family grappling with the aftermath of a drunk driving accident.

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Set against the backdrop of a Christmas Eve, the film unfolds with a potent blend of tension and levity. The central character, Paul, finds himself on the brink of incarceration due to the imminent consequences of another DUI charge. His intoxicated escapade, which culminates in a car crash and hasty retreat, becomes the fulcrum around which the family’s desperate efforts to conceal the truth revolve.

The director adeptly navigates the dynamics within the family, highlighting how their emotional baggage gradually unravels as they attempt to construct a façade to safeguard Paul from further legal entanglements. This narrative choice adds a layer of authenticity, allowing the audience to resonate with the characters’ struggles and vulnerabilities.

An underlying theme of influence permeates the film, as each character is influenced by various factors. Linh, John, and Bill find themselves under the sway of Paul’s actions, and even the police officer’s demeanor is affected by personal circumstances. This thematic thread adds depth, illustrating the ripple effect of choices on relationships and individual lives.

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Drawing inspiration from the Karpman Drama Triangle, the film subtly weaves in the roles of Victim, Rescuer, and Persecutor, embodied by the primary characters at different junctures. This strategic incorporation elevates the storytelling, enhancing the complexity of their interactions and motivations.

The film’s climax hinges on the family’s decision to construct a fabricated narrative, striving to prevent Paul’s impending incarceration. However, the execution of this plan takes an unexpected turn, unveiling hidden facets of their personalities in the presence of a police officer. This turn of events masterfully underscores the film’s central message – that the façades we construct often give way to the authentic selves lurking beneath.

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“The Family Circus” benefits from compelling editing and cinematography, skillfully creating an immersive atmosphere that alternates between lightheartedness and intense introspection. The screenplay’s meticulous structure drives the narrative forward, intertwining individual character arcs seamlessly.

In conclusion, “The Family Circus” is a commendable cinematic endeavor that excels in both storytelling and execution. Its exploration of family dynamics, coupled with its thematic depth and skillful direction, ensures its status as a must-watch. With its engaging narrative and thought-provoking subtext, this short film promises an enthralling cinematic experience for all audiences.

Navid Nikkhah Azad
Navid Nikkhah Azad
Navid Nikkhah Azad is an Iranian film director, critic, and journalist. He serves as the critic and editor-in-chief at ZIZ and is a member of the Dutch Association of Journalists (NVJ) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ).